Francesco Restuccia
Principal Investigator
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Computer Science
MISSOURI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Rolla, MO, United States August 2012 – December 2016
Advisor: Prof. Sajal K. Das, Thesis: “Mechanisms for Improving Information Quality in Smart- phone Crowdsensing Systems”
Master of Science (M.S.) in Computer Engineering
Concentration: Networking and Multimedia
October 2009 – October 2011
Level of Distinction: Summa Cum Laude
Top GPA (29.95/30) among graduates, attended Excellence Curriculum
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Engineering
October 2006 – July 2009
Level of Distinction: Summa Cum Laude
Top 5% GPA (28.2/30) among undergraduates
- F. Restuccia, T. Melodia and J. Ashdown, “Spectrum Challenges in the Internet of Things: State of the Art and Next Steps,” in IoT for Defense and National Security, John Wiley, January 2023. ISBN: 9781119892144. DOI: 10.1002/9781119892199.ch19.
- J. Jagannath, N. Polosky, A. Jagannath, F. Restuccia and T. Melodia, “Neural Networks for Signal Intelligence: Theory and Practice, ” in Machine Learning for Future Wireless Communications, John Wiley and IEEE, November 2019, ISBN: 9781119562252. DOI: 10. 1002/9781119562306.ch13.
- F. Restuccia, S. D’Oro, L. Zhang, and T. Melodia, “The Role of Machine Learning and Radio Reconfigurability in the Quest for Wireless Security”, in Proactive and Dynamic Network Defense, pp. 191-221, Springer, May 2019, ISBN: 9783030105976. DOI: 10.1007/ 978-3-030-10597-6_8.
- F. Meneghello‡, C. Chen, C. Cordeiro, and F. Restuccia, “Toward Integrated Sensing and Communications in IEEE 802.11bf Wi-Fi Networks,” IEEE Communications Maga- zine (IEEE COMMAG), Vol. 61, Is. 7, pp. 128 – 133, July 2023. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.001. 2200806.
- F. Restuccia, “IEEE 802.11 Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning (AIML) Technical Interest Group,” IEEE Communications Standards Magazine (MCOMSTD), Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 4-5, December 2022. DOI: 10.1109/MCOMSTD.2022.10034506.
- J. Hall, J.M. Jornet, N. Thawdar, T. Melodia and F. Restuccia, “Deep Learning at the Physical Layer for Adaptive Terahertz Communications,”, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology (IEEE T-TST), Vol. 13, Is. 2, pp. 102-112, March 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2023.3237697.
- C. Chen, H. Song, Q. Li, F. Meneghello‡, F. Restuccia and C. Cordeiro, “Wi-Fi Sensing Based on IEEE 802.11bf,” IEEE Communications Magazine (IEEE COMMAG), Vol. 61, Is. 1, pp. 121 – 127, January 2023. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.007.2200347.
- F. Restuccia, S. D’Oro, A. Al-Shawabka, B. Costa Rendon, K. Chowdhury, S. Ioannidis and T. Melodia, “Generalized Wireless Adversarial Deep Learning,” Elsevier Computer Networks (COMNET), Vol. 216, pp. 109264, October 2022. DOI: 10.1016/J.COMNET. 2022.109264.
- Y. Matsubara, M. Levorato and F. Restuccia, “Split Computing and Early Exiting for Deep Learning Applications: Survey and Research Challenges,” ACM Computing Sur- veys (CSUR), Vol. 55, Is. 5, Art. No.: 90, pp. 1 – 30, December 2022. DOI: 10.1145/ 3527155.
- M. Polese, V. Ariyarathna, P. Sen, J. V. Siles, F. Restuccia, T. Melodia, J. M. Jornet, “Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Between Active and Passive Users Above 100 GHz,” Na- ture Communications Engineering, Communications Engineering, May 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s44172-022-00002-x.
- F. Restuccia, S. D’Oro, A. Al-Shawabka, B. Costa Rendon, S. Ioannidis and T. Melodia, “DeepFIR: Channel-Robust Physical-Layer Deep Learning Through Adaptive Wave- form Filtering,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 20, Is. 12, pp. 8054 – 8066, December 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2021.3089878.
- S. D’Oro, L. Bonati, F. Restuccia, and T. Melodia, “Coordinated 5G Network Slicing: How Constructive Interference Can Boost Network Throughput,” IEEE/ACM Trans- actions on Networking, Vol. 29, Is 4, pp. 1881–1894, Aug. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TNET. 2021.3073272.
- R.Guida, N.Dave, F.Restuccia, E.Demirors, and T.Melodia, “TheImplantableInternet of Medical Things: Toward Lifelong Remote Monitoring and Treatment of Chronic Diseases,” ACM GetMobile, Vol. 24, No. 3, Sept. 2020. DOI: 10.1145/3447853. 3447861.
- F. Restuccia, and T. Melodia, “Deep Learning at the Physical Layer: System Challenges and Applications to 5G and Beyond,” IEEE Communications Magazine (IEEE ComMag), Vol. 58, Is. 10, October 2020. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.001.2000243.
- L. Bertizzolo, L. Bonati, E. Demirors, A. Al-Shawabka, S. D’Oro, F. Restuccia, and T. Melodia, “Arena: A 64-antenna SDR-based Ceiling Grid Testing Platform for Sub- 6 GHz 5G-and-Beyond Radio Spectrum Research,” Computer Networks (COMNET), Volume 181, November 2020. DOI: 10.1016/J.COMNET.2020.107436.
- S. D’Oro, F. Restuccia, and T. Melodia, “Toward Operator-to-Waveform 5G Radio Ac- cess Network Slicing,” IEEE Communications Magazine (IEEE ComMag), Vol. 58, No. 4, pp.18-23, April 2020. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.001.1900316.
- K. Sankhe, M. Belgiovine, F. Zhou, L. Angioloni, F. Restuccia, S. D’Oro, T. Melodia, S. Ioannidis, and K. Chowdhury, “No Radio Left Behind: Radio Fingerprinting Through Deep Learning of Physical-Layer Hardware Impairments,” IEEE Transactions on Cog- nitive Communications and Networking (IEEE TCCN), Special Issue on Evolution of Cognitive Radio to AI-enabled Radio and Networks, Vol. 6, Is. 1, March 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TCCN.2019.2949308.
- J.Jagannath,N.Polosky,A.Jagannath,F.Restuccia,andT.Melodia,“MachineLearning for Wireless Communications in the Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey,” Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOC), Volume 93, pp. 101913, October 2019. DOI: 10.1016/J. ADHOC.2019.101913.
- L. Zhang, F. Restuccia, T. Melodia, and S. Pudlewski, “Taming Cross-Layer Attacks in Wireless Networks: A Bayesian Learning Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 1688-1702, July 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TMC. 2018.2864155.
- S. D’Oro, F. Restuccia, T. Melodia, and S. Palazzo, “Low-Complexity Distributed 5G Network Slicing: Analysis, Algorithms, and Experimental Results,” IEEE/ACM Trans- actions on Networking (IEEE/ACM TNET), Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 2815-2828, December 2018. DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2018.2878965.
- F. Restuccia, S. D’Oro, and T. Melodia, “Securing the Internet of Things in the Age of Machine Learning and Software-defined Networking,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IEEE IoT-J), Vol. 5, Is. 6, pp. 4829-4842, December 2018. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2018. 2846040.
- F. Restuccia, P. Ferraro, S. Silvestri, T.S. Sanders, S. K. Das, and G. Lo Re, “FIRST: A Framework for Optimizing Information Reliability in Smartphone Crowdsensing,” ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (ACM TOSN), Vol. 15, Is. 1, February 2019. DOI: 10.1145/3267105.
- F. Restuccia, P. Ferraro, S. Silvestri, S. K. Das, and G. Lo Re, “IncentMe: Effective Mechanism Design to Stimulate Crowdsensing Participants with Uncertain Mobil- ity,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 1571-1584, July 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2018.2863288.
- F. Restuccia, N. Ghosh, S. Bhattacharjee, S.K. Das, and T. Melodia, “Quality of Infor- mation in Mobile Crowdsensing: Survey and Research Challenges,” ACM Transac- tions on Sensor Networks (ACM TOSN), Vol. 13, Is. 4, No. 34, December 2017. DOI: 10.1145/3139256.
- F. Restuccia, S.K. Das, and J. Payton, “Incentive Mechanisms in Participatory Sensing: Survey and Research Challenges”, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (ACM TOSN), Vol. 12, Is. 2, No. 13, February 2016. DOI: 10.1145/2888398.
- F. Restuccia and S. K. Das, “Optimizing the Lifetime with QoS of Sensor Networks with Uncontrollable Mobile Sinks”, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (ACM TOSN), Vol. 12, Is. 1, No. 2, March 2016. DOI: 10.1145/2873059.
- D. De Guglielmo, F. Restuccia, G. Anastasi, M. Conti, and S.K. Das, “Accurate and Effi- cient Modeling of 802.15.4 Unslotted CSMA/CA through Event Chains Computation”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Vol. 15, No. 12, pp. 2954-2968, December 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2016.2528248.
- F. Restuccia, G. Anastasi, M. Conti, S. K. Das, “Analysis and Optimization of Proto- col for Mobile Element Discovery in Sensor Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Vol. 13, No. 9, pp. 1942-1954, September 2014. DOI: 10.1109/ TMC.2013.88.
Conference Proceedings
- M. Abdi∗, J. Ashdown, K. Turck, and F. Restuccia, ”Channel-Adaptive Dynamic Neural Networks for Low-Complexity Distributed Signal Analysis”, Proc. of IEEE Military
Communications Conference (IEEE MILCOM), Boston, Massachusetts, 30 October – 3 November 2023. DOI: TBD. - S. Rifat∗, J. Ashdown, K. Turck, and F. Restuccia, ”Zero-Shot Dynamic Neural Network Adaptation in Tactical Wireless Systems”, Proc. of IEEE Military Communications Con- ference (IEEE MILCOM), Boston, Massachusetts, 30 October – 3 November 2023. DOI: TBD.
- A. Rodio, G. Neglia, F. Busacca‡, S. Mangione, S. Palazzo, I. Tinnirello, and F. Restuccia, “Federated Learning with Packet Losses”, Proc. of the International Symposium On Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Tampa, Florida, November 19 – 22, 2023. DOI: TBD.
- K. Foysal Haque∗, F. Meneghello†, and F. Restuccia, “Wi-BFI: Extracting the IEEE 802.11 Beamforming Feedback Information from Commercial Wi-Fi Devices,” Proc. of ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & CHaracterization (ACM WINTECH), Madrid, Spain, October 6, 2023. DOI: TBD.
- A. Pinto, A. Ashdown∗, T. B. Hassan∗, H. Cheng, F. Esposito, L. Bonati, S. D’Oro, T. Melo- dia, F. Restuccia, “Hercules: An Emulation-Based Framework for Transport Layer Measurements over 5G Wireless Networks,” Proc. of ACM Workshop on Wireless Net- work Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & CHaracterization (ACM WINTECH), Madrid, Spain, October 6, 2023. DOI: TBD.
- T. Gourousis, Z. Zhang, M. Yan, M. Zhang∗, A. Mittal, A. Shrivastava, F. Restuccia, Y. Fei, M. Onabajo, “Identification of Stealthy Hardware Trojans through On-Chip Temper- ature Sensing and an Autoencoder-Based Machine Learning Algorithm”, Proc. of IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE MWSCAS), Phoenix, Arizona, August 6-9, 2023. DOI: TBD.
- N. Bahadori†, Y. Matsubara, M. Levorato and F. Restuccia, “SplitBeam: Effective and Efficient Beamforming in Wi-Fi Networks Through Split Computing”, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS), Hong Kong, China, July 18 – 21, 2023 (Acceptance Rate: 18.9%). DOI: TBD.
- R. Rusca, F. Raviglione, C. Casetti, P. Giaccone, F. Restuccia, “Mobile RF Scenario De- sign for Massive-Scale Wireless Channel Emulators,” 2023 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit), June 2023. DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit58263.2023.10188319.
- F. Raviglione‡, C. Casetti and F. Restuccia, “Edge-V: Enabling Vehicular Edge Intelli- gence in Unlicensed Spectrum Bands”, Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Technology Confer- ence (VTC2023-Spring), Florence, Italy, June 2023. DOI: 10.1109/VTC2023-Spring57618. 2023.10199660.
- K. Foysal Haque∗, M. Zhang∗ and F. Restuccia, “SiMWiSense: Simultaneous Multi- Subject Activity Classification Through Wi-Fi Signals,” Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM), pp. 1-9, Boston, MA, United States, June 2023. DOI: XXX.
- F. Restuccia, E. Blasch, A. Ashdown, J. Ashdown, and K, Turck, “3D-O-RAN: Dynamic Data Driven Open Radio Access Network Systems,” Proc. of IEEE Military Communica- tions Conference (IEEE MILCOM), pp. 19-24, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/MILCOM55135.2022. 10017706.
- M. Cominelli‡, F. Gringoli and F. Restuccia, “Exposing the CSI: A Systematic Inves- tigation of CSI-based Wi-Fi Sensing Capabilities and Limitations,” Proc. of IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (IEEE PerCom), Atlanta, Georgia, United States, March 2023 (Acceptance rate: 17%). DOI: 10.1109/PERCOM56429.2023. 10099368.
- C. Puligheddu‡, J. Ashdown, C. F. Chiasserini, and F. Restuccia, “SEM-O-RAN: Semantic and Flexible O-RAN Slicing for NextG Edge-Assisted Mobile Systems,” Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), Hoboken, New Jersey, United States, May 2023 (Acceptance rate: 19.2%).
- A. Coletta, F. Giorgi, G. Maselli, M. Prata, D. Silvestri, J. Ashdown, and F. Restuccia, “A2- UAV: Application-Aware Content and Network Optimization of Edge-Assisted UAV Systems,” Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), Hoboken, New Jersey, United States, May 2023 (Acceptance rate: 19.2%).
- F. Busacca‡, S. Mangione, I. Tinnirello, S. Palazzo, and F. Restuccia, “SDR-LoRa: Dis- secting and Implementing LoRa on Software-Defined Radios to Advance Experimen- tal IoT Research,” Proc. of ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & CHaracterization (ACM WINTECH), Sydney, Australia, October 17, 2022. DOI: 10.1145/3556564.3558239.
- J. Hall, M. Polese, V. Petrov, D. Bodet, F. Restuccia, T. Melodia, and J. Jornet, “Ter- ahertz Communications Can Work in Rain and Snow: Impact of Adverse Weather Conditions on Channels at 140 GHz,” Proc. of ACM Workshop on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Networks and Sensing Systems (ACM mmNets), Sydney, Australia, October 17, 2022. DOI: 10.1145/3555077.3556470.
- F. Meneghello‡, M. Rossi and F. Restuccia, “DeepCSI: Rethinking Wi-Fi Radio Finger- printing Through MU-MIMO CSI Feedback Deep Learning,” Proc. of the IEEE Interna- tional Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS), Bologna, Italy, July 10-13, 2022 (Acceptance Rate: 19.9%). DOI: 10.1109/ICDCS54860.2022.00106.
- N. Bahadori†, J. Ashdown and F. Restuccia, “ReWiS: Reliable Wi-Fi Sensing Through Few-Shot Multi-Antenna Multi-Receiver CSI Learning,” Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM), Belfast, UK, June 2022. (Acceptance Rate: 26.4%). DOI: 10.1109/WoWMoM54355.2022. 00027. Best Paper Award.
- Y. Matsubara, D. Callegaro, S. Singh, M. Levorato, and F. Restuccia, ”BottleFit: Learn- ing Compressed Representations in Deep Neural Networks for Effective and Efficient Split Computing,” Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mo- bile, and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM), Belfast, UK, June 2022 (Acceptance Rate: 26.4%). DOI:10.1109/WoWMoM54355.2022.00032.
- D. Callegaro, M. Levorato and F. Restuccia, “SmartDet: Context-Aware Dynamic Con- trol of Edge Task Offloading for Mobile Object Detection,” Proc. of the IEEE Interna- tional Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoW- MoM), Belfast, UK, June 2022 (Acceptance Rate: 26.4%). DOI: 10.1109/WoWMoM54355. 2022.00034.
- L. Baldesi, F. Restuccia and T. Melodia, “ChARM: NextG Spectrum Sharing Through Data-Driven Real-Time O-RAN Dynamic Control,” Proc. of IEEE Conference on Com- puter Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), Virtual Conference, May 2022 (Acceptance rate: 19.2%). DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOM48880.2022.9796985. Best Paper Award.
- D. Uvaydov, R. Guida, P. Johari, F. Restuccia and T. Melodia, “AiEEG: Personalized Seizure Prediction Through Partially-Reconfigurable Deep Neural Networks,” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (IEEE PerCom), Pisa, Italy, March 2022, Full Paper (Acceptance Rate: 10.50%). DOI: 10.1109/PerCom53586.2022.9762383.
- L. Bonati, P. Johari, M. Polese, S. D’Oro, S. Mohanti, M. Tehrani-Moayyed, D. Villa, S. Shrivastava, C. Tassie, K. Yoder, A. Bagga, P. Patel, V. Petkov, M. Seltser, F. Restuccia, A. Gosain, K.R. Chowdhury, S. Basagni, T. Melodia, “Colosseum: Large-Scale Wireless Experimentation Through Hardware-in-the-Loop Network Emulation,” Proc. of IEEE Intl. Symp. on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (IEEE DySPAN), Virtual Conference, December 2021. DOI: 10.1109/DySPAN53946.2021.9677430.
- M. Piva, G. Maselli, and F. Restuccia, “The Tags Are Alright: Robust Large-Scale RFID Clone Detection Through Federated Data-Augmented Radio Fingerprinting,” Proc. of ACM International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (ACM MobiHoc), Shanghai, China, July 2021. DOI:10.1145/3466772.3467033.
- M. Polese, F. Restuccia, and T. Melodia, “DeepBeam: Deep Waveform Learning for Coordination-Free Beam Management in mmWave Networks,” Proc. of ACM Inter- national Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (ACM MobiHoc), Shanghai, China, July 2021. DOI: 10.1145/3466772.3467035.
- A. Al-Shawabka, P. Pietraski, S.B. Pattar, F. Restuccia and T. Melodia, “DeepLoRa: Fin- gerprinting LoRa Devices at Scale Through Deep Learning and Data Augmentation,” Proc. of ACM International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (ACM MobiHoc), Shanghai, China, July 2021. DOI: 10.1145/3466772.3467054.
- L. Ghiro, F. Restuccia, S. D’Oro, S. Basagni, T. Melodia, L. Maccari, and R. Lo Cigno,” A Blockchain Definition to Clarify Its Role for the Internet of Things,” Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet), 2021. DOI: 10. 1109/MedComNet52149.2021.9501280.
- D. Callegaro, M. Levorato, and F. Restuccia, “SeReMAS: Self-Resilient Mobile Au- tonomous Systems Through Predictive Edge Computing,” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (IEEE SECON), Virtual Confer- ence, July 2021. DOI: 10.1109/SECON52354.2021.9491618.
- D. Uvaydov, S. D’Oro, F. Restuccia and T. Melodia, “DeepSense: Fast Wideband Spec- trum Sensing Through Real-Time In-the-Loop Deep Learning,” Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), Virtual Conference, May 2021. DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOM42981.2021.9488764.
- L.Bonati,S.D’Oro, F.Restuccia, S.BasagniandT.Melodia, “SteaLTE:Private5GCellular Connectivity as a Service with Full-stack Wireless Steganography, ” Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), Virtual Conference, May 2021. DOI:10.1109/INFOCOM42981.2021.9488889.
- S. D’Oro, F. Restuccia and T. Melodia, “Can You Fix My Neural Network? Real-Time Adaptive Waveform Synthesis for Resilient Wireless Signal Classification”, Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), Virtual Conference, May 2021. DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOM42981.2021.9488865.
- F. Restuccia, S. D’Oro, A. Al-Shawabka, B. Costa Rendon, K. Chowdhury, S. Ioannidis and T. Melodia “Generalized Wireless Adversarial Deep Learning,” Proc. of ACM Workshop on Wireless Security and Machine Learning (ACM WiseML, co-located with ACM WiSec), pp. 49-54, 2020. DOI: 10.1145/3395352.3402625.
- F. Restuccia, and T. Melodia, “PolymoRF: Polymorphic Wireless Receivers Through Physical Layer Deep Learning,” Proc. of ACM International Symposium on Theory, Al- gorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Comput- ing (ACM MobiHoc), Virtual Conference, October 2020. DOI: 10.1145/3397166. 3409132. Selected by the ACM SIGMOBILE Research Highlights Committee 2020;
- S.D’Oro,L.Bonati,F.Restuccia,M.Polese,M.ZorziandT.Melodia,“Sl-EDGE:Network Slicing at the Edge,” Proc. of ACM International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (ACM MobiHoc), Virtual Conference, October 2020. DOI: 10.1145/3397166.3409133.
- G. Maselli, M. Piva and F. Restuccia, “HyBloSE: Hybrid Blockchain for Secure-by- Design Smart Environments,” Proc. of ACM Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock, co-located with ACM MobiCom), October 2020. DOI: 10.1145/3410699.3413793.
- F. Restuccia and T. Melodia, “DeepWiERL: Bringing Deep Reinforcement Learning to the Internet of Self-Adaptive Things,” Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), Beijing, China, April 2020. DOI: 10. 1109/INFOCOM41043.2020.9155461.
- A. Al-Shawabka, F. Restuccia, S. D’Oro, T. Jian, B. Costa Rendon, N. Soltani, J. Dy, K. Chowdhury, S. Ioannidis and T. Melodia, “Exposing the Fingerprint: Dissecting the Impact of the Wireless Channel on Radio Fingerprinting,” Proc. of the IEEE Inter- national Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), Beijing, China, April 2020. DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOM41043.2020.9155259.
- R. Guida, N. Dave, F. Restuccia, E. Demirors, and T. Melodia, “U-Verse: A Miniatur- ized Platform for End-to-End Closed-Loop Implantable Internet of Medical Things Systems,” Proc. of the ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (ACM SenSys), pp. 311-323, New York, NY, USA, November 2019. DOI: 10.1145/3356250. 3360026.
- M. Polese, F. Restuccia, A. Gosain, J. M. Jornet, S Bhardwaj, V. Ariyarathna, S. Man- dal, K. Zheng, A. Dhananjay, M. Mezzavilla, J. Buckwalter, M. Rodwell, X. Wang, M. Zorzi, A. Madanayake and T. Melodia, “MillimeTera: Toward A Large-Scale Open- Source mmWave and Terahertz Experimental Testbed,” Proc. of the ACM Workshop on Millimeter-Wave Networks and Sensing Systems (ACM mmNets) co-located with ACM MobiCom, pp. 27-32, Los Cabos, Mexico, October 2019. DOI: 10.1145/3349624. 3356764.
- K. Sankhe, F. Restuccia, S. D’Oro, T. Jian, Z. Wang, A. Al-Shawabka, J. Dy, T. Melo- dia, S. Ioannidis, and K. Chowdhury, “Impairment Shift Keying: Covert Signaling by Deep Learning of Controlled Radio Imperfections,” Proc. of the IEEE/AFCEA Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2019), Norfolk, Virginia, November 2019. URL: 10.1109/MILCOM47813.2019.9021079.
- F. Restuccia, S. D’Oro, A. Al-Shawabka, M. Belgiovine, L. Angioloni, S. Ioannidis, K. Chowdhury and T. Melodia, “DeepRadioID: Real-Time Channel-Resistent Optimiza- tion of Deep Learning-based Radio Fingerprinting Algorithms,” Proc. of the ACM In- ternational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (ACM MobiHoc), pp. 51-60, Catania, Italy, July 2019. DOI: 10.1145/3323679.3326503.
- L. Zhang, F. Restuccia, T. Melodia and S.M. Pudlewski, “Jam Sessions: Analysis and Experimental Evaluation of Advanced Jamming Attacks in MIMO Networks,” Proc. of the ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (ACM MobiHoc), pp. 61-70, Catania, Italy, July 2019. DOI: 10.1145/3323679.3326504.
- F. Restuccia and T. Melodia, “Big Data Goes Small: Real-Time Spectrum-Driven Em- bedded Wireless Networking Through Deep Learning in the RF Loop,” Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), pp. 2152- 2160, Paris, France, April 2019 (Best In-session Presentation Award). DOI: 10.1109/ INFOCOM.2019.8737459.
- S. D’Oro, F. Restuccia, A. Talamonti, and T. Melodia, “The Slice Is Served: Enforcing Radio Access Network Slicing in Virtualized 5G Systems,” Proc. of the IEEE Interna- tional Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), pp. 442-450, Paris, France, April 2019 (Best In-session Presentation Award). DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOM. 2019.8737481.
- S. D’Oro, F. Restuccia, and T. Melodia, “Hiding Data in Plain Sight: Undetectable Wireless Communications Through Pseudo-Noise Asymmetric Shift Keying,” Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), pp. 1585-1593, Paris, France, April 2019 (Best In-session Presentation Award). DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOM.2019.8737581.
- F. Restuccia, E. Demirors, and T. Melodia, “iSonar: Software-defined Underwater Acoustic Networking for Amphibious Smartphones,” Proc. of the ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems (ACM WUWNet), pp. 1-9, Halifax, Canada, November 2017. DOI: 10.1145/3148675.3148710.
- L. Zhang, F. Restuccia, T. Melodia, and S. Pudlewski, “Learning to Detect and Mitigate Cross-layer Attacks in Wireless Networks: Framework and Applications”, Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Communications and Network Security (IEEE CNS), pp. 1-9, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2017. DOI: 10.1109/CNS.2017.8228631.
- F. Restuccia, A. Saracino, S. K. Das, F. Martinelli, “Preserving QoI in Participatory Sensing by Tackling Location-spoofing Attacks through Mobile WiFi Hotspots”, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (IEEE PerCom), IQ2S Workshop, 2015.
- F. Restuccia and S. K. Das, “FIDES: A Trust-based Framework for Secure User Incen- tivization in Participatory Sensing”, Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM), pp. 1-9, Sydney, Australia, June 2014. DOI: 10.1109/WoWMoM.2014.6918972.
- F. Restuccia, G. Anastasi, M. Conti, S. K. Das, “Performance Analysis of a Hierarchical Discovery Protocol for WSNs with Mobile Elements”, Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM), pp. 1-9, San Francisco, California, June 2012. DOI: 10.1109/WoWMoM.2012.6263708.
- K. Kondepu, F. Restuccia, G. Anastasi, M. Conti, “A Hybrid and Flexible Discovery Algorithm for WSNs with Mobile Elements”, Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC), pp. 295-300, Cappadocia, Turkey, July 2012. DOI: 10.1109/ISCC.2012.6249311.